Wednesday, January 31, 2007

New Years Resolution for 2007: Examine Your Life.

We often get calls from men asking, “Why am I so pissed off? Why am I always so angry?” These men find themselves with no vision in life, and even worse, no plans. They need to realize that a conversation needs to take place within them – an inner dialogue.

The New Year is a perfect opportunity to reconcile your anger. I work through my own anger every day! How? By taking a step back and examining what’s going on in my life. So, take a look at 2006. How was it for you?

Guys, if you don’t take some time to reflect on any issues that get you riled up, they will continue to resurface, and you will find yourself in a downward spiral. By living an unexamined life, you are more prone to bouts of depression, fear, anger, resentment, bitterness, and a predisposition to drugs and alcohol. (Yes, it’s okay to enjoy a drink now and then – here at Rage Radio we don’t oppose moderate alcohol consumption – but dependence is an entirely different issue altogether.)

We have to man up! We have to be strong. Our wives, girlfriends, and/or children look up to us to be leaders. They want to take comfort in our leadership, and if they can’t, they suffer from our stress too. Our responsibilities to them are the responsibilities that come with being a man. Being strong doesn’t mean you should ignore any potentially damaging issues going on in your life. You can’t meet your responsibilities by just waking up in the morning, putting on your pants, haphazardly walking out the door, and turning your back on the people and issues that need your attention. By doing this you are leaving it all up in the air, and setting things up to fall apart.

If something is dragging you down or making you pissed off, don’t let it brew. You have to sit down and address these things, with yourself or with other men. That’s why we’re here! Join Remember, Rage Radio is for men and men only! No balls, no calls!