Thursday, March 1, 2007

The big game’s over. Is yours?

On Rage Radio, we don’t talk about sports very often. But, I would like to use the big game to drive a point home about the condition of men.Men need a good battle in their lives. That’s why we take “the game” so personally.

Football has all the makings of a good war:
-Fight for territory
-Calculated gains/losses
-Injuries on the battlefield
-Winners and losers
-Bragging rights

We draw a lot of excitement and passion from these things. But unfortunately, we don’t tend to carry the same kind of passion in our personal lives, with things like:
-Family life

Instead, so many men are disenchanted with their personal lives and angry about their place in the world. When the “big game” is long over, after the screaming and cheering on the couch, it’s back to real life again – nothing more than leftover chicken wing bones and spilled beer on the carpet.

Most of us don’t have jobs that will bring us fame, fortune, or a Super Bowl ring. So how does that make us feel?Maybe if we could take that spirit of the game, and use it to put some of that fire back into our own life’s goals, we could find passion in our lives again. It’s time to analyze your game.

Let’s evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. Your career: Are you happy? Are you reaching your potential? Your family: Are they feeling your passion and excitement? Your partner: Do they feel appreciated by you?Once you’ve done that, it’s time for kickoff.So what’s in your playbook? You know those goals we always ask you to set for yourself here at Rage Radio? They’re all live balls in the field of play. Now it’s up to you to gain some forward momentum and push that ball down the field.You can’t do it alone. Your friends and colleagues? They’re your team. Your family? They’re your biggest fans. Your mentors? They’re your coaches. And combined, they’re even more important to this game than you: the QB. So speed up your offense and strengthen that defense. Remember that only you can control your clock- no one else. You are always a free agent. Despite what it may seem sometimes, no one owns you but you.In the game of life, there are no limits to the number of downs. You have to have the strength to recover that ball and put it back into play as often as you like. Unfortunately, there are also no referees in life. But there will always be interferences. There will always be rivals, unnecessary roughness, blitzes, and your opponent staring you in the face, trying to intercept your goals and sack your ambition. These are all inevitable challenges of life.But when you have your team, your fans, your coaches… you have the home field advantage. When you come to the realization that the passionate fight belongs in your own life just as much as it does with your fantasy football draft, then you’ll find yourself really scoring those touch downs. So what do you think?Maybe by next year’s Super Bowl, the victory you celebrate won’t be just the NFL Champion’s, but yours as well.

1 comment:

odw said...

In all the places that I've worked, men DON'T forget about the game after it's over. Sports is usually ALL they talk about. God help the man who doesn't side with a sports team and bitch at others about who's better and tougher. When a sports game is not on or being talked about, men usually turn on each other in a different "game": boasting about who's the toughest, had the most sex, cussing, fighting, acting hard, trying to intimidate each other, and general jockeying for top rank in the pack of wolves. As in animal packs, any man who shows any sensitivity or weakness is automatically picked on and labelled "gay". Men are constantly worried about who is "gay" in their environment. The true nature of groups of men is displayed in prison environments: men don't respect weakness, you have to fight and act tough to survive, and the weak are sexually preyed upon and degraded.