Friday, December 22, 2006

Get Rid of the Grinch and Guzzle that Eggnog!

It’s almost Christmas Day and tensions are high. There seems to be a point in the holiday season when our actions don’t seem to match how we truly feel. Christmas tells us to be holly, jolly, happy, and joyful.But in reality, many MEN really don’t feel that way about Christmas.

Christmases of the past can taint a man’s perspective on the holidays. We all have war stories from the childhood holidays:

-Fathers that were not present
-Family arguments
-Gifts you didn’t get
-Promises people didn’t keepD

o you feel like you are acting or faking your way through the season? Do the tensions of Christmas bring you down? Do you find yourself withdrawing or disappointing your family? If so, what should you do?

My advice: get rid of the Grinch and drink the eggnog! Let me explain…It’s hard to move on from the past and into the future. Bad memories definitely play with our sub-conscious minds. I have bad holiday memories of my own, and it can be pretty tough to let them go. But here’s the thing: Christmas 2006 is no longer about you.

Listen guys, we are all selfish SOBs and sometimes this time of year some of us gravitate toward playing this role of “victim.” We play this up and get hung up on all our bad Christmas memories. The thing is, this just doesn’t fit us as MEN.

Remember? As men, we are strong, and our families, kids, wives, girlfriends, step kids, foster kids, etc. all need us for our STRENGTH and NOT for our painful memories.

Be there for THEM.We can’t figure out all the psycho BS of our behavior, so we have to make a decision about how we are going to MOVE ON with our lives. We have to stop holding our women and our families as hostages. Don’t spoil it for them! Stop being a Grinch and let it all go! Be the guy that leads the family during Christmas! Drink the eggnog! And don’t stop there! I’m talking…

-Wear the Santa costume
-Eat candy canes
-Sing Christmas carols
-Attend church
-Watch parades
-Decorate the tree
-Wrap gifts
-Be the first one up Christmas morning

In fact, don’t just drink the eggnog… guzzle it! I think the single most important thing I did to make the most of Christmas was to be more aware of my surroundings, and more thankful that I have a family. Now it is my turn to create a positive Christmas for my family, regardless of my past hang ups!I’m telling you… the difference between a bad Christmas and a good Christmas for your entire family is YOUR ATTITUDE. Crap happens in life! So what!? Remember that life is for the living and you have got to be the man that adds to Christmas, not the guy that takes it away. Man up! Get rid of the Grinch, drink that eggnog, and enjoy!

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